We get parental leave.
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Parental Leave Coaching

Is your company supporting parents and managers through the parental leave transition?
Do your employees and manager know how to navigate this vital transition period? Do you have difficulty with staff not returning from leave? Do you have difficulty recruiting working parents to fill current openings?
According to SHRM, the average cost of onboarding an employee is close to $5,000, with many companies paying close to double the salary of the new employee due to the “soft” costs of onboarding. Can you relate to this?
Parental leave is so much more than an employee’s “break” or “time away” from work.
The parental leave transition is one of the most important transitions a person goes through. How they are supported in this transition can affect the rate of staff retention, the rate of postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, and even the rate of infant mortality.
Over 40% of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematic (STEM) fields leave full-time employment after their first child. 1 in 5 to 7 birthing parents and 1 in 10 partners will experience a perinatal mood or anxiety disorder.
Most parents do not feel supported during this incredible transition period in their lives.

For the employees:
Envision a workplace that offers expecting parents space to plan for their leave. One that makes them feel supported and like they know exactly what to expect before, during, and after leave. A workplace that offers custom coaching for each parent to fully support them in this transition.
A workplace where parents return back to work at a higher rate because they feel:
For the managers:
Now envision a workplace where managers feel supported during this transition. Where they know their employee is getting support with how to transition work tasks before and after leave. One where they know exactly what is expected of them and how to best support that individual employee. One where an employee going on leave does not mean extra work for them, or for them to struggle and scramble to feel prepared. A workplace where managers stay because they feel supported and valued.

For the company:
Envision a workplace that retains its staff and does not have to continually spend thousands and thousands of dollars onboarding new staff to replace those that go on parental leave and never return, or return at a reduced capacity because they do not feel supported. Imagine a workplace that attracts new, quality candidates because it offers parental leave support as a benefit to employees. Imagine a company that is prepared, makes its staff feel valued, and supports their staff and managers in a transition that happens often and is vital to a company retaining quality staff.
Why is this important?
-About 1/3 of all working women are parents
-Over 90% of all fathers are working full time
-Working mothers are more motivated to move up within a company
-Working parents tend to have high levels of empathy, greater ability to multitask, and greater time management skills
-Companies that are reported as the best for working parents are those where parents feel supported as working parents rather than just supported as an employee

How can we help?
Our parental leave coaching program utilizes a program backed by over 40 years of research. It is evidence-based and leads to increased staff retention.
It entails supporting the expecting parent and the manager before leave, during leave, and after leave to ensure both feel set up for success and are able to balance this important transition.
We use an evidence-based assessment for both parties to look at the wide variety of areas that this transition impacts, and we support with planning and preparing for not only the transition away from work, but also the transition into parenthood.
We partner with companies to provide critical feedback to continually improve their parental leave process and overall retention of their working parents.
When is the right time to think about parental leave coaching?
Right now. Companies that already have a procedure and support in place are more likely to have success when they do find out an employee is expecting a child.
Ideally, a coach would be brought in shortly after an employee announces to their workplace that they are expecting in order to give the coach ample time to support and prepare them, their manager, and the company.

How much does parental leave coaching cost?
Each package is going to look different for each employer based on a number of different circumstances including number of employees, number of managers, time that the coach is supporting each individual, etc. We also offer packages for individuals wanting this service.